Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 16, 2009 ~My Wing...Girl~

Camryn and I got some free tickets from my work to go to the Travs game last night. So we had a little girls night out complete with hot dogs, nachos and frozen lemon aid! Pink, no less! Oh, and the Nintendo DS. Cam's not quite to the age of understanding the importance of going to a baseball game and enjoying things such as the cute, tall boys in uniform..I mean..uhhh...the competition and the love of the sport *ahem* anyway.
The time came for the frozen lemon aid so we headed out to the ice cream stand. I'm oblivious to my surroundings most of the time (which is not good these days...women should be alert at all times) but not Camryn. All of the sudden she said, "That boy was CHECKIN' you OUUUTT". It was hilarious! We went on and got our lemon aid and went to sit down. Then Cam started laughing and said "remember that boy checkin you out?" (she knows my memory is not good and apparently thought I'd forget after about 5 minutes...which is highly likely). I laughed and said yes and asked her if he was at least cute. She looked at me like I had lost my mind and said "He was a KID!!! Like Ian's age....WEEIIRRDDDD....AWWWkwAARRDDDD!!!"
Y'all I thought I was going to fall out of my chair. It only got better when I said "did you just say awkward?" and she laughed and said "Yep, I don't even know what that means".
*sigh* I love these times with her when we can just be silly and hang out like girls!!! LOVE HER...who needs a man?!?!?!?


Billie said...

Way to impress, an! I mean, Mrs. Robinson.

Andrea said...

Wait...who's Mrs. Robinson? lol

Alison said...

LOVE IT!! That girl cracks me up!