Friday, April 24, 2009

April 24, 2009 ~ Directionally Challenged ~

To say that I am directionally challenged would be putting in mildly. I have had this disease, DC as I like to call it, pretty much all my life. It first surfaced when I was 16 years old and my boyfriend needed me to pick him up from working at the airport. I asked my dad (because I KNEW my Mom would never let me drive to the airport by myself...what???) and of course he let me! :) Ronnye gave me directions and told me when I get to the light turn left. Sooo...I'm driving a long the freeway looking for a light. When I get to Galloway I realized I missed the light somewhere, pull into a truck stop and call him crying! Obviously, I found my way back as evidenced by me writing this blog.

Fast forward to last night. Camryn and I went to watch a friend play softball in Maumelle. Now, whoever invented those circle/yield/thingys in streets need to be shot. I mean, when do you go? Do you go all the way around? What ever happened to a stop sight and a 90 degree right or left turn??? *sigh* That was mistake number one. But we ended up getting to drive through a really beautiful neighborhood on a golf course. I told Camryn not to fret, that I had this. I find my way back to Maumelle Blvd and see the sign that says 430South this way and 430North this way. At this point, I panic because I don't know which way I need to go. So I did the only natural thing to do and went straight. After going straight for a little while I told Camryn that I was pretty sure I was lost. Mind you, I'm finding it very humorous because, I know me not to mention I had text my friend who said "how do you get lost? you just go out the same way you came goober". Yeah, he's not known me in the last 10 years. Anyway, I told Camryn we were lost and my precious child panics a little. She said "Mommy, I'm scared" I kinda laughed and told her I would find my way out. Then she said "I wish that song would come true!" I said "what song?" She said "I Hope You'll Always Find Your Way Home". I cracked up, y'all. I couldn't stop laughing which only furthered her frustration with me. So, I found a church parking lot and turned around. Then a I saw it!!!! A sign that said "Little Rock" Glory Glory! I announced to Camryn that we were on the right track now and we would be home soon, text Blake to proudly let him know I found the freeway and took off! A little way on the free way and I realize that....I was going in the wrong direction. Who knew there were 2 ways to little rock?!?!? I mean, they really should put up signs that say "Andrea, go this way to get home" It would make things go so much better. Anyway, I saw the Rodney Parham exit and took it, turned around and made it home! I should probably invest in one of those GPS units!

This was Camryn after we got back on the right direction! All smiles!

And this is me and my oops...oh well face!


Billie said...

Yes....YES....PAUH-LEEZWE gift fairy...get this woman a GPS!

Alison said...

This cracks me up! Hey at least you are out and about to get lost! I remember when in Vegas you went NO WHERE!
Progress...not perfection!

AliciaG said...

LOL...Oh my goodness, I am so glad that I didn't know about this while I was in Hot Springs. I would have been worried the whole time about you being able to find your way home. Some things never change...but at least you figured it out by yourself and were not sitting in a gas station crying. I am thinkin the GPS is a MUST for your birthday!!! lol

The Timberframer's Wife said...

Way to stay calm--I never look at it as being lost, just an opportunity to find a new way home. But the GPS would probably be a good thing.

Andrea said...

I'm not gonna lie, i'd rather have money for clothes...LOLOLOL