Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 9, 2009 ~ Did I Just Say That?? ~

So, for the first time ever I actually feel old. Let me explain. Most of my life I have hung out with people older than me. I have, for the most part, dated guys that were older than me and had friends that were older than me. My ex husband is 10 years older than me and my dearest friend is my Mother's age. With that being said, I have always been the young wipper-snapper. I'm the youngest at my work place and all my friends these days are older than me. I'm the baby of my family so I'm used to being young and spry (is that the right word?). It's just what I do.
Weeeelllll, I recently got back in touch with a friend of mine from YEARS ago (And the simple fact that I just said "YEARS ago" screams "YOU'RE GETTING OLD" *sigh*). We have been in contact and are developing a great friendship and enjoying catching up with one another. So he called last night to tell me about this thing called "Fight Night" at the UCA campus. Mind you, he's 26 years old..younger than me. Anyway, he explained what it was and asked if I wanted to go. I love me some boxing type sports so I thought it would be fun. I worked out the details of my parents keeping Camryn for me (THANK YOU) and confirmed to him that I would be able to attend. Shockingly enough...I'm a girl, so I had to ask what I needed to wear. He told me that most of the girls wore things such as spaghetti straps/tubetops/haltertops with jeans...dress casual and he told me what he was wearing. So when I got home last night I decided to pull out my "hoochie Momma" clothes and figure out what I was going to wear. As you might imagine, this was 100 times better because...well...I have some girls to go in these shirts now!!!! So I found 3 that I thought fit good and accentuated the right things!
THAT is when it happened you guys. I thought to myself that maybe I should go shopping to find a new shirt because....drum roll please....and I quote...."I don't know if these shirts are in style...I don't know what kids are wearing these days".
I'm not even kidding y'all. I said that...and meant it...I really don't. I mean, I have this really cute longish black tube top with a belt that fits tight around my upper waist. The sisters LOVE this shirt because the belt makes them stand out...but do people wear wider belts like that anymore??? And then it hit me that I will be the old one, my friends. NOT the young one.
Voices of people calling me "Ma'am" started sounding in my head and visions of people helping me over steps started flashing. I started picturing myself saying things like "Not" or talking about NKOTB and trying to make conversations with these kids about tie-dye or puffpaint clothing...maybe trying to crack a joke about doing something and at that moment busting out the Urkel voice and saying "Did I do that?"...or worse I saw myself singing Don't Worry Be Happy at the exact moment someone got knocked down in the fight...then I saw myself walking into the place in some overall's with one strap undone wearing some penny loafers...then I recalled the horror video my parents have of us at the lake and me doing some cheers for the camera in some homemade shorts with white socks and dark shoes..those kind you used to make the laces into a "bumble bee" not tie them... *sigh* It was all very disturbing. And to add insult to injury, my friend Barbara told me this morning that I will probably be 10 years older than most of these people. Thanks for the support Barb. She thought it was hilarious..Me, not so much!!!


Billie said...

Embrace yourself, An! Trust me...I would rather see a classy and stylish dressed WOMAN than some of these crazy clothes KIDZ wear these days. And you have a "kick awesome" can find some knock out clothes! Just hear me...don't wind up looking like some of those women who tried to dress like teenagers and wind up on What Not to Wear! I love you just the way you are and these teeny-boppers will just think you are cute-cute-cute! And besides...actually, who cares what they think...they will regret their clothing choices soon enough.

AliciaG said...

Well for goodness sakes! Blake is only a year younger than you and probably most of the college kids who will be there are close enough to your age that you will fit right in. I wouldn't worry about it. Just be your happy beautiful self and you will be fine. Just don't break out in any of your youthful cheers and you should not draw undue attention! LOL

Andrea said...

LOL...good idea! Those cheers were!!

Alison said...

Oh crack me up! I would imagine that it will not just be college people at the fight. Have fun!