Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 9, 2009 ~ I know what a child feels like ~

I heard a very interesting story on the news about some pirates who overtook a ship out somewhere near Africa I believe. I found it quite interesting because I did not know there was really such thing as a pirate. Even more so, this day in age. It kinda blew my mind a little to think about there being for real pirates. So, I asked my esteemed colleague and friend Barbara if she knew there was really such thing as pirates and she didn't either. I began to read the story of what's going on and the more I read the more it blew my mind that there really are real live pirates. I was intrigued. I can't understand how these pirates in small boats can overtake a huge ship. Now, I've never seen Pirates of the Caribbean so I'm no expert, however, I have seen Peter Pan. I have just never given it much thought until today. I then text my friend Blake to find out if he knew there was such thing (He's pretty smart so I figured if he didn't know either I was safe). Of course he knew. Then I asked if they were dirty and wore patches and said things like "arrrrggg". And I'll be danged if he didn't say No. I told him that I just didn't understand this whole thing and that it was very frustrating and asked him what the heck a pirate is if they are not dirty and don't say "arrrgg". I mean, really?!?!?! I've been believing a lie all my's very disheartening. I'm not even kidding, they should not call themselves pirates. I asked if they even have a plank and he didn't know. It's absolutely mind boggling to me how these so called "pirates" overtake a ship from a lil life boat...and why? What's the point? And how can they call themselves pirates when they look nothing like Capt'n Hook??? I did a little research and this is a pirate in my mind:

However, when I found some pictures of the "pirates" who took over this US ship they looked like this:

Seriously?!?!? This looks like the African track team in the Olympics (and I'm not at all being derogitory). It's just not right. None of them have an eye patch, I see no black flag with a skull, no long nasty beards or big heavy coats and every single one of them have two perfectly functional hands!!! Now I know what it's like to be a child and find out the truth about Santa and the toothfairy.


Billie said...

It's funny...your sister said the same thing at lunch. Well...not the eye patch part, but that she didn't know that pirates were still around. They are called pirates now because the "pirate" (a verb meanting taking what isn't theirs).

No go have a bottle of rum!

Andrea said...

OHHHH...that's the best bit of info I've heard on this subject all day! That makes more sense! Thank you! :)

Alison said...

For real! I'm with you on this one. Pirates...who'd 'a thunk?

AliciaG said...

Oh my word! I have failed in educating my two daughters on this subject! Hey, so what is wrong with not letting them know about the real meaning of a pirate. As scared about things as Andrea always was, it was better not to tell her there really were such things as pirates even if they didn't look like Captain Hook!