The supreme court overturned a ban on gay marriage in California today. Are you SERIOUS?? I, for one, am sickened at the thought of this. Come on, people. This is NOT what God intended. When God created man, Adam, and saw he was not good, He in turn created a partner for Adam. This partner was a WOMAN, Eve. It takes a man and a woman to create a child, which is the only thing that keeps the human race going…a man and a woman. I am not a political person and I usually do not touch on politics or worldly issues, but this one really strikes a nerve with me. Wow! I’m not sure what else to say. This is just sickening. I am not the one to judge, I’ll leave that one to God, but I certainly am sickened at where this world is going. I’m 100% against this. Every time you turn around, someone is screaming discrimination. We don’t want to say Merry Christmas, because that might offend someone. We don’t want to pray or read the Bible in school because that might offend someone. Let’s not say “one nation UNDER GOD” because we wouldn’t want to step on someone’s toes. COME ON! What about us Christians who are offended by seeing two women or two men kissing? What about us being offended by the fact that we can’t pray in school? What about you, offending me, by teaching me the theory of evolution instead of creation? Why does everyone “have rights” except Christians? I praise God I am a Christian, and that He sent His son to die for me and I will forever pray when and where I want. I will continue to say Merry Christmas and I will continue to teach my child to do the same.