Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September 24, 2008 ~ Because I'm Proud of Myself ~

So there is a guy who has been after me for over a year. I went out on a date with him once and wasn’t interested so politely told him we should just be friends. He has been quite persistent in his desire for a date for the past year…to no avail. He recently found out that I’m talking…and I mean strictly talking…to a new guy. He’s funny and funny guys get my attention. Apparently this “friend” of mine doesn’t like this new guy and preceded to tell me that, he didn’t know why he has been going after me for so long because..and I quote… “I mean you’re gorgeous and a good mom…but there’s not much else going on beyond that.” Well my friends that struck me in the wrong way on the wrong week….I had a Julia Sugarbaker moment!!!!!! (in email, but it’s a start!!) Here is my response:
“And for your information…I have a whole heck of a lot more going on than being “gorgeous” and a good mom. Who I might be interested in as a friend or more or for dating or whatever reason, does not determine who I am and what I have going on. Just because I wanted nothing more than a friendship with you, does not make me stupid. Just in case you didn’t realize it, you are not God’s gift to women. There are other men out there who might pique an interest in women. Who those men are has no relation to their/my character. I don’t even know Chris…he may not be my type…he may be a terrible person…I don’t know that. That’s the whole point in becoming friends with someone….to get to know them better. So if you have an opinion of someone and feel it necessary to share it, that’s fine, but for you to insult me and put me down because of someone I might have an interest in, is completely inappropriate.”
I got a quick apology! ;)


Alison said...

You go girl!!! How far you have come...and you DO have WAY more than being gorgeous and a good mom, if he really was interested in you he would know that!

AliciaG said...

AMEN!!!! Sista! Preach it! Being gorgeous and being a good mom should rank right up there at the top of the list for anyone who was worth spending a year of your time with, whether for just being friends or whatever! You go girl!