Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 13, 2008 ~ A Morning Laugh ~

I had to laugh to myself this morning, as I was taking Camryn to daycare, at Mothers and the things we do. Today was bike day at daycare. The kids could bring their bikes and ride…duh. Anyway, I crammed Camryn’s bike in the back seat since it wouldn’t fit in the trunk, and had her ride to daycare in the front. We don’t live far from the daycare, so I figured it would be ok. After I gave her the lecture about sitting still and if we see a cop not to move, she buckled up and we went. When I pulled into the parking lot, I see a car behind me with a bike hanging out the window. I see another car with a child in the front and handle bars all up in her face. As I was leaving daycare I see another Mom pulling into the parking lot with her trunk all the way open and a bike sticking out the back. It made me chuckle. It’s such a little example of what Mom’s will do for their kids, but it also spoke volumes.


Billie said...

FINALLY! A Post! :-)

Girl, I'm laughing right along with you! The things Momma's will do is astounding! Glad you didn't have that handle bar in YOUR face though. I might have distracted from your Alicia-ish desire to HAVE YOUR HAIR AND MAKEUP AND NAILS AND JEWELRY in perfect alignment.

Not that I'm jealous or anything....

Alison said...

I would have laughed too...cause you know all you Momma's were thinking "Dang bike day!"!!! LOL!

Andrea said...

hahah! I know we all were. But lord forbid our kids not have their!

AliciaG said...

Hey, hey, the "Alicia-ish" comments. I "resemble" that statement. lol There is not a thing wrong with wanting to look all put together when you are out in public! With some people, it is just in teh genes.