Thursday, June 26, 2008

June 26, 2008 ~ *Sigh* ~

Well, I got a text last night telling me that Camryn had planned to call me at 6pm our time, but she ended up falling asleep. I was glad she was sleeping and thought that she would call me as soon as she woke up. Much to my dismay, she didn't. Next thing I know, I'm getting a picutre over my phone of her eating ice cream. WHAT??? She woke up and didn't want to call me?!?!?!? A little while later I had a missed call from Dwight...YIPPIE, I thought!!! So I call it back and who was it?? Chance. Seriously? Chance wanted to call but my own child didn't? Then I hear music to a Mother's ear in the back ground..."I wanna talk to my Mommy". WHEW! So, I get on the phone and get about 10 - 12 words out of her and then...dum-dum-dum...she pulls on me what I have heard her do to her dad over and over again. I have even laughed and bragged about her doing this to him. She says to me, "Momma, I'm gonna call you later". AHHHHH...dagger to the heart...that's what that was. You see, when Dwight calls Camryn and she's doing anything, or even just watching TV and not interested in talking to him she will say "Daddy, I'm gonna call you later". I've always laughed thinking to myself..'hahah, she's not wanting to talk to him'. Well, that's what I get for laughing, huh?!?!
So apparently she's having a good time but in my psycho-Mother nature I was hurt and all I could do this morning was pray that she want's to come home and doesn't want to stay out there. *sigh*


Billie said...

It will all be over soon. It wasn't that she doesn't want to talk to you...they are just probably trying to cram in so much "fun" in the short time they have. She loves you SO VERY MUCH and you know it. She'll come non stop about it for just a little bit and life will be normal again. And she'll look at you and tell you that you are the "bestest Momma in the world" and snuggle up beside you and fall asleep. And She'll have a bad dream and come running to you. And she'll get mad at you and yell at you and y'all will fight...but 5 minutes later get kisses. And she'll want to pray and you'll be there. And you'll be there for her first day of 1st grade. And you'll just 4 more days...

But where will he be? The same ol' Dwight doing the same 'ol things.

And you'll still be the "bested Momma ever"!

Alison said...

Oh...well, you KNOW she loves you! Just remember everything out there is new to her and she is busy...just like she is here when he calls her.
And so as not to type exactly what Billie said...I ditto everything she said!

AliciaG said...

And I do too! As Mrs. Hamby said, he will be the Disneyland Dad while she is there trying to make up for all the times he has not been there for her. So, it is to be expected that she will be "busy." But when it comes down to what she really is you. So, just hang in there and don't let the devil get a toe hold on your emotions. Because we all know you are the best Momma ever, just like Camryn knows!